Somehow, another year has slipped by, and the new one is lurking around the corner like that one annoying kid ready to hurl a snowball (probably with something nasty inside it) right at your face. Where did the time go? What even happened? No idea.
But hey, instead of spiraling into an existential crisis, let’s talk dating resolutions—because if we’re going to be single, we might as well be single with purpose.
1. The World Owes You Absolutely Nothing (And That’s Okay)
I know, that sounds depressing as hell. But here’s the thing—waiting for “something better” to magically land in your lap is a fool’s game. Whether it’s a dream job, a dream partner, or the ability to do ten push-ups without collapsing, you have to go out and get it.
Want a relationship with someone who checks all your boxes? Stop settling for someone who only meets half the criteria. Thinking of switching careers? Start learning that new skill. I left IT to become a freelance front-end developer. I have less money, but I’m way happier. Life doesn’t hand you a script—you have to write it yourself.
2. Initiate. Everything.
You know that thing you keep avoiding? That difficult conversation, that big decision, that first move? Stop waiting for things to happen to you. Be the damn CEO of your own life.
If you know your relationship is circling the drain, be the one to say, “Hey, let’s talk.” If your job sucks, start looking for a better one. If you’ve been crushing on someone for months, send that text. People who take initiative don’t just get what they want more often—they also gain control over their own happiness.
3. Surround Yourself with People Who Don’t Suck
Here’s the deal: the people in your life shape you. My ex once said the best thing about me wasn’t actually me—it was my friends. And she wasn’t wrong. My friends are solid. Low on drama, high on good vibes, and people who actually have their lives together.
If someone in your circle is constantly causing chaos, being negative, or dragging you down, let them go. Hanging onto toxic relationships is like keeping an expired carton of milk in your fridge—it stinks, and it’s probably going to make you sick. Instead, invest time in people who support and inspire you.
4. Get Fit (Because Feeling Hot is a Power Move)
Look, I’m not saying you have to morph into a Greek god overnight, but taking care of yourself is a game-changer. Since losing 40 pounds, I feel better, have more energy, and—shockingly—people seem to notice. (Has it led to more dates? Not yet. But I remain hopeful.)
Fitness isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about confidence, discipline, and proving to yourself that you can set and achieve goals. And let’s be real—nobody dreams of dating someone whose biggest accomplishment is binge-watching every season of a show in one weekend.
5. Build Something (Because Interesting People Do Interesting Things)
Want to stand out? Have a passion. Whether it’s music, coding, painting, woodworking, or training your dog to do backflips—do something. Being the person who creates, leads, or builds is automatically attractive.
Think about it: Two people go after the same person. One has an interesting hobby or project, the other just “likes hanging out.” Who wins? Exactly. (Spoiler: It’s always the one with the guitar.)
The Bottom Line
You don’t need a new year to make a change, but since one is conveniently showing up anyway, why not use it as an excuse to level up? Take control. Set goals. Cut the dead weight from your life. And for the love of all things good, stop waiting for things to happen — make them happen.
Now, go forth and crush it.
Let me know if you want it tweaked further! 😄